TOTAL POUNDS LOST (Season 5): 34.9

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 3

Hi guys! I'm going to make this short and sweet because I want to go to bed. Thank you SO much for all weighing in today! I think this may be the earliest I've ever gotten results out! I'd like to excuse Evan and Lindy, they are out of town and can't get to their scale this week. Here are your results...


Great job again Ali! Good luck cutting back on those servings, Ali. I feel your pain.


Awesome, Jimmy! I was going to say something to Heidi about almost making it, but since she lost to her husband, it can't be that bad. Or maybe it is! :) Good job to both of you!

Thanks again everyone. You are making this a great round and I love all the participation! I hope the results were a little easier to read this time. I'm playing around with ways of doing it to try to make it better. I was doing it using a "screenshot" before, but I think different computers have a different quality for that and this laptop I've been using isn't so great. I'm going to try one more thing next time and see if its the way to go. But until then, I hope you can read it a little better.

Good luck this week everyone!


1 comment:

WHITE said...

Congrats everyone!!!
Jimmy and I are both really competitive and when we set our minds on something the competition is pretty thick in our home. But it's all in good spirit!
I hope to see a week where I beat Jimmy, but that might be impossible with the way he is going.
Anyway, great job, thanks for letting us in on this fun competition!