TOTAL POUNDS LOST (Season 5): 34.9

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Can I just say I am so bummed? For two reasons. One, I am bummed that I couldn't even get results posted last week. That is really awful. But more than that, nobody noticed! Or at least, no one cared enough to ask me where they were. Tiffany might have, but she probably didn't want to be a bother by emailing me. But didn't the rest of you wonder what was up? So either you don't care who won, or you're not trying enough for it to be on your mind all the time. Which leads me to my second thing. I'm bummed that only one person weighed in by text! I hope you all did ok with the Thanksgiving holiday.

This is what I need from you. I will work on posting results right now for LAST week (I know, SO awful) while you guys weigh in. BUT I need you to be honest and only give me your weight if you weighed on Thursday or Friday. If you go weigh today and you gained weight from Thanksgiving and then lose it by next week you'll have an advantage. OR if you have been super good and have lost weight since Thursday, you'll be at an advantage this week. Either way, if you know what you weighed Thursday (or Fri morning) go ahead and weigh in. Otherwise, please still leave me a comment and let me know that you didn't weigh yourself and we'll split your next weigh in up per the rules. I need you to still leave a comment so I know when I've got everyone's weight.

Thanks guys, and I promise I'll try to be better throughout the rest of this round if you also promise to remember weighins and keep working hard!!

Thanks everyone,


Donna said...

Confession time again?


Gained a pound.... BLAH!!!

Carrie said...

Jesse weighed in by text Thursday morning at 174.

If that would be easier for any of you, just email me and I'll give you my number. It totally works for me, so either way.

kerry said...

I actually forgot to weigh myself! Which is dumb, because after all the eating, I will probably gain weight for next weeks weigh in. =)

Tammie said...

Sorry, I was out of town and unable to do the whole web thing. Friday morning I was 162, gained, but it wasn't from all the food, I've been sick and not working out and that seems to make a big difference for me. I will be better this week!